A message from Faye x

Created by Faye 4 years ago

For you, my little grandad.
When all has ceased, it’s the little things that become so clear. Like crystals in the moonlight. You can’t miss them.
Everyday details suddenly come into focus, ones that usually pass us by with little attention paid.
The little things… and these are where my focus is at now…
Little things like the way you twiddled your watch.
Little things like the shuffle of your feet across the floor. The telltale, slightly quicker shuffle, if you were heading to the cupboard, egged on by Tilly.
Little things like your eyes.
Piercing blue.
That lit up and twinkled when the kids were around.
That opened wide when Tilly sold her jewels for a whopping five hundred pounds, sending her into giggles.
And that squinted when your smile broadened.
Little things like your infectious laugh - a chuckle that would often unfold into tears rolling uncontrollably down cheeks.
Little things like the weight of your arm as it wrapped around me.
Little things like your hands.
Big, strong, soft.
Always beautifully touched by the sun’s kiss.
Hands that were placed over mine on a fairway steering wheel.
That polished our school shoes.
That held lager and choc ices in the summer months.
That wrapped around chubby little knees and thighs.
Hands that shared.
That passed jelly babies into smaller hands.
Hands that cracked monkey nuts. That split Kit Kats. That peeled satsuma, after satsuma, after satsuma…
Hands that I got to hold on to right up to the end. Hands I could have held on to for forever and a day.
Ultimately these little things are the biggest things. Things that are taken all too often for granted. And the things that will be missed the most. I’m glad I paid attention. Because these are the things that I treasure now, more than anything.
We live in a world being played in fast forward. But that’s when everything gets missed. So I encourage you all here today to slow down. Take in the moments. Tap into your senses. Pay attention to the details.
I’d also like to talk about one more “thing”.
The biggest thing of all made up of a thousand little things.
And wow, how I have learned about love over this past month or so.
Love is underestimated. It is truly a powerful thing.
It governs both mind and body.
Be sure not to waste chances to show it…
Be vulnerable.
Lean in.
Feel it.
Show it.
Say I love you as many times as your breath will allow.
And then one more time after that.
When words don’t come or there is nothing else that can be said, I love You always seems to do the trick.
Seize the opportunity to hold hands and always kiss goodnight. Even on the tougher days.
And should you come across a cynic, tell them about the love story of two lovers who lasted a lifetime. The story of Tel and his Patsy. Who loved with all their hearts and could not be torn apart.
I believe that Grandad was taken not by death, but by love.
My heart hurts, but I get it.
Love would not let them be anywhere but by each other’s side.
They shared a true love story.
Better than any movie you have seen.
And now they are both off on their next adventures together.
Isn’t that a wonderful thing to imagine?!
So, grandad, I will say goodbye for now.
And look out for you both in the birds, trees, butterflies, and the surprises in the most unlikely of places.
Thank you for all of the little things.
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
I’ll see you in the stars. x